Article/Publication Details

K otázke kolektívnej morálnej zodpovednosti neštruktúrovaných zoskupení

(Original title: On the Problem of Collective Moral Responsibility of Unstructured Groups)
Filozofia, 2019, vol. 74, No 8, pp. 608-621.
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The hypothesis of the article is the idea that the collective moral responsibility is meaningful also at the level of unstructured groups, which do not have a stable identity capable of persisting over time. According to the author, such a grouping does not necessarily have to fulfill the conditions specific to a structured group in order to have the status of an agent and be able to bear moral responsibility (for example to avert evil in situations requiring collective action); nor does it need to possess the qualities that are usually a prerequisite to classify an agent as responsible for its actions - such as autonomy of will, cognitive ability, intention, and control over its actions. Regarding the question of collective moral responsibility for the consequences of a collective action (or collective inactivity), the author suggests: a) to use Ricœur's concept of responsibility in its specific moral dimen- sion involving the relationship with others; b) to modify the archaic “all for oneˮ principle so that, instead of solidarity with the transgressor, it implies solidarity with those in distress or with those who are experiencing injustice.


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Journal Filozofia

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
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Journal Organon F

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