Ing. PhDr. Peter Daubner, PhD.
PhD thesis title: The idea of ecological socialism in the epoch of the Anthropocene in the context of global social and environmental justice
Tutor: doc. Mgr. Richard Sťahel, PhD.
Mgr. Marcel Šedo, PhD.
PhD thesis title: Transformations of ontology of a work of art
Tutor: Mgr. Róbert Karul, PhD.
Daniel Buschmann, M.A.
PhD thesis title: Unforced action for socio-ecological transformations. An intercultural analysis of nature domination in the Anthropocene
Tutor: doc. Mgr. Richard Sťahel, PhD.
Mgr. Irakli Chedia, PhD.
PhD thesis title: The phenomenon of totalitarianism today
Tutor: prof. PhDr. František Novosád, CSc.
Mgr. Alžbeta Kuchtová, PhD.
PhD thesis title: Conceptually elusive as a philosophical problem
Tutor: Mgr. Róbert Karul, PhD.
Mgr. Martin Foltin, PhD.
PhD thesis title: The philosophy of well-being
Tutor: doc. PhDr. Eva Smolková, CSc.
Mgr. Martin Kompiš
PhD thesis title: Limit forms of intersubjectivity – phenomenological approach
Tutor: doc. Mgr. Jaroslava Vydrová, PhD.
Mgr. Andrej Záthurecký
PhD thesis title: Reconciliation of philosophy and life experience: S. Weil, her metaphysics and social philosophy
Tutor: Mgr. Róbert Karul, PhD.
Mgr. Romana Javorčeková, PhD.
PhD thesis title: Transformations of human being, society and power (in coordinates of the present)
Tutor: doc. PhDr. Jozef Pauer, CSc.
Mgr. Martin Vacek, PhD.
PhD thesis title: Metaphysics of modalities
Tutor: prof. Mgr. Marián Zouhar, PhD.
Mgr. Eva Dvoranová
PhD thesis title: "Bildung" concept in German Enlightenment
Tutor: doc. PhDr. Jozef Pauer, CSc.
Mgr. Lucia Galovičová
PhD thesis title: Critique of representationalism
Tutor: prof. PhDr. Tatiana Sedová, CSc.
Mgr. Michal Slamena
PhD thesis title: Contractual theory of the State in Modern Philosophy
Tutor: prof. PhDr. František Novosád, CSc.
Mgr. Eva Prokešová
PhD thesis title: Modernity and identity. Conception of ethics of C. Taylor
Tutor: doc. PhDr. Zuzana Palovičová, CSc.
Mgr. Andrej Gogora
PhD thesis title: G. Delleuze - societies of control
Tutor: prof. PhDr. Miroslav MarcelliCSc.
Mgr. Jozef Katina
PhD thesis title: Why the corroboration does (not) matter
Tutor: PhDr. Dušan Gálik, CSc.
Mgr. Jana Koišová
PhD thesis title: Bioethics - its status, nature and subject
Tutor: doc. PhDr. Zuzana Palovičová, CSc.