Article/Publication Details

K povahe intencionálnej referencie

(On the Nature of Intentional Reference)
Organon F, 2005, vol. 12, No 4, pp. 397-406.
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Speaker’s reference is an intentional act directed, via an expression, at an object – an intentional object. The author of the paper tries to find an answer to the following question: What does a speaker refer to when he does not know what a description or a proper name used refers to? He argues that, if the speaker uses such a description, his reference is not directed at the referent of the description but at its meaning. If the speaker uses a proper name whose meaning is not known to him, he can refer neither to the referent nor to the meaning of that name.


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Journal Filozofia

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
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Filozofický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Filozofia Editorial Office
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813 64 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Journal Organon F

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
Organon F Editorial Office
Klemensova 19
811 09 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
Tel.: +4212 5292 1215
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Address for correspondence:

Filozofický ústav SAV, v. v. i.
Organon F Editorial Office
P. O. Box 3364
813 64 Bratislava
Slovak Republic