Article/Publication Details

Synchronic and Diachronic Emergence

(Original title: Synchronní a diachronní emergence)
Organon F, 2014, vol. 21, Supplementary Issue 1, pp. 57-69.
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In the current discussions about emergent entities there is a new topic in the problem of diachronic and synchronic conception of emergence. The diachronic conception emphasizes the emergence of new phenomena over time, the synchronic conception coexistence of new "high-level" objects or properties of existing objects or properties on a lower level. There is a general belief that these two concepts are conceptually different and yet they cannot find a unifying framework that would allow unifying them in a more general sense. I believe and I try to show that both concepts diverge and it is possible to create a unifying framework for them.


Diachronic, emergence, reduction, supervenience, synchronic

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