Article/Publication Details

Ficta as Contingently Nonconcrete

(Original title: Ficta as Contingently Nonconcrete)
Organon F, 2014, vol. 21, No 4, pp. 431-457.
Language: English
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Fictional realism allows direct reference theorists to provide a straightfor- ward analysis of the semantics of fictional discourse by admitting into their ontology a set of objects (ficta) that serve as the referents of fictional names. Ficta may be modeled using an axiomatic object theory, but actualist interpretations of the formalism have been the subject of recent objections. In this paper, I provide an interpretation of object theory’s formalism that is consistent with actualism and avoids these objections. Drawing on insights from an actualist semantics for quantified modal logic, a central point in my proposal is to interpret ficta as contingently nonconcrete objects.


Actualism, fictional realism, object theory

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