Article/Publication Details

Dynamic Semantics and Dynamic Logic

(Original title: Dynamická sémantika a dynamická logika)
Organon F, 1996, vol. 3, No 4, pp. 333-348.
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The “dynamic turn” in semantic theory of natural language, which has been taking place roughly during the last decade, has resulted into seeing the meaning of a sentence as a “context-change-potential”, as a function which maps the set of possible contexts (information states) on itself. The development of theories of this kind has been stimulated especially by the effort to semantically cope with the anaphoric items of natural language (such as pronouns). The most significant species of dynamic semantic theories are represented by Kamp´s “discourse representations theory” and Groenendijk and Stokhof´s “dynamic logic”. The former sees sentences as means of building and rebuilding “discourse representations structures”; the latter, which tries to be an expressly logical objects to “discourse markers” into the same set. The paper presents basic principles of theories of both of these kinds and indicates how they can help us analyse natural language locutions involving anaphora.

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