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Ambiguity of a Natural Language Expression Accompanied by the Context-Independent Meaning of Its Constituents

(Original title: Nejednoznačnost výrazu přirozeného jazyka při stejném významu jeho složek)
Organon F, 2013, vol. 20, Supplementary Issue 1, pp. 99-104.
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Logical analysis of natural language (LANL) based on TIL defines meaning (Frege’s sense) in a procedural way, resulting in the following thesis: The meaning of an expression is independent of context. The meaning (in the case of non-indexical expressions concept) is thus an abstract procedure, which is explicated in TIL as (well-defined) construction. What does depend on context is the way in which the meaning has to be handled. From this viewpoint we can distinguish three kinds of context: (i) hyperintensional context; (ii) intensional context; (iii) extensional context.


construction, de dicto, de re, function, meaning, Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL)

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