Article/Publication Details

Lissarrague a Schnapp, Bažant a Frontisi-Ducroux o posune medzi zobrazovaním a videním u starých Grékov

(Lissarrague and Schnapp, Bažant and Frontisi-Ducroux on a Shift in Representing and Seeing in Ancient Greece)
Filozofia, 2019, vol. 74, No 2, pp. 154-162.
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On the basis of the Francophone research in the field of visual anthropology we will try to show in this text that there was a shift between how the Ancient Greeks saw reality and how they portrayed it. We will base this examination on the second kind of mimêsis presented in Plato's dialogue, Sophist, where representation deforms the real and we represent reality not as it is, but as we want to see it. Even scenes that have a supposed guarantee of realism, the scenes of everyday life, often represent our desires or fantasies more than the reality.


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Journal Filozofia

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
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Journal Organon F

Institute of Philosophy SAS, v.v.i.
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